2024-06-01 優化識字教練分配以促進公平:運用人才分析指導密西根州的教育人力資源政策與實踐
|| 講者(Speaker):
江宜芷 (Yi-Chih Chiang)
Yi-Chih Chiang is a PhD candidate in K12 Educational Administration at Michigan State University. Her research expertise lies in educational policy discourse and implementation, where she adopts a pragmatic approach and employs diverse methodologies such as case studies, discourse analysis, econometrics, and social network analysis. Her doctoral dissertation delves into a human resources analysis of instructional coaching, examining distribution patterns, teaching expertise, and career pathways with a central focus on equity. Prior to her doctoral journey, Yi-Chih worked as a project manager in a teacher professional development program in Taiwan, emphasizing the implementation of competency-based curriculum.
|| 摘要(Abstract):
教練式教學輔導(instructional coaching)已成為美國教學改革及教師專業發展計畫備受青睞的模式。教學教練(instructional coach)著重與教師建立夥伴關係,進入課堂觀課並給予教師回饋,因應個別需求提供教師專業支持。近期實證研究支持此模式對教學表現和學生成就的正向影響,增設教練職缺成為美國推動教學改革的主要策略。通過分析近十年密州教育人事資料,本研究深入分析讀寫教練分布與學校特徵和人力資源指標方面的關聯性。研究發現城市和小學較有可能擁有讀寫教練;而讀寫教練數量與低效能教師比例、教師流動率與以及平均教師參與教師專業發展時間皆呈正相關。
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|| 研究子領域(Sub-field):
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|| 主持人(Chair):
|| 活動時間( Event Time):
06/01/2024 06:00 PM PDT Pacific Time
06/01/2024 07:00 PM MDT Mountain Time
06/01/2024 08:00 PM CDT Central Time
06/01/2024 09:00 PM EDT Eastern Time
06/02/2024 02:00 AM BST England
06/02/2024 03:00 AM CEST Berlin
06/02/2024 09:00 AM Taiwan
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